Customised products

Collaborative consumption is transforming traditional economic models with a change, not in what people consume, but in how they consume.


Essentially made possible thanks to the rapid growth in the information available on the Internet, in a legal and secure context, this trend has been becoming increasingly widespread since 2000 and in particular through online exchanges and emerging sectors such as :

• Peer-to-peer renting of property and objects,
• Lending and services between individuals,
• New activities,
• Hosting services, home sitting
• Car sharing
• Crowdfunding, etc...

With our expertise in collaborative consumption, we can work in partnership with you to ensure that we offer you the product that best suits the demands of this new economic model, where use is more central than ownership.

We can create specific insurance cover for the risks associated with exchanges, bartering, the hiring of various goods and services, etc.

A new world - new modes of consumption.

These new models give rise to new security and safety needs, of trust in both the “structures” that are being created and the users.

Some models are relatively simple, in terms of responsibilities or needs, others are much more complex in their scope.

Protecting organisations means providing solutions to cover their liabilities; assisting them means providing tools for building loyalty in order to guarantee confidence in the transactions.

Our team is ready to help you develop the solutions that are most appropriate to your business.

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    Contact us
    + 33 (1) 48 01 84 84

  • Cabinet ALBINET

    9 rue Bleue - 75009 PARIS